Pitch Sheet

This is a one pager information about you and your book that we will be created by one of our book-to-film professional writers.

It will have a blurb, and this is not a synopsis, but like what would be on the back of your book. It’s probably in the range of 150–200 words.
It will have your bio and your picture if you can.

A picture is very important because it is a way the agent can remember you as they will meet a lot of people and everything will run together after a while.

This will be used by the agent to represent you and pitch your book to decision makers.

This does not guarantee immediate acquisition but it guarantees a lifetime entry to the book-to-film database.

Which means that one of BLPs decision makers can access your profile and take time to read your book and map out what could be the best possible adaptation format – tv series, mini-movie, fullscreen adaptation, etc.